How to prepare a diabetic diet plan ?

Explore Diet Plan and Tips - Sugar Patient Diet Chart

How to prepare a diabetic diet plan ?

Standard Dinner Plate

How much you eat is just as important as what you choose to eat.Using a standard dinner plate, follow the plate method in the image to control your portion sizes8.


5 Easy Steps to plan the perfect diabetes-friendly meal 4


Fill ½ your plate with non-starchy vegetables like : beans, capsicum, leafy vegetables, cabbage etc.


Protein foods like dals, nuts, soya, lean protein (egg whites, fish) etc. should occupy ¼ of your plate


Carbohydrates like rotis, brown rice, whole grain breads must be limited to ¼ of your plate

Low fat milk/curd & Fruit

Low fat milk/curd or a fruit can be added to your meal or can be eaten as a snack

Limit oils and fats

Limit oils and fats. Use low fat cooking methods like boiling, steaming and grilling


Your plate - The way you want it!

As a rule of thumb, vegetables should fill up half of your plate, starchy foods should fill up a quarter, and lean meats and alternates the remaining quarter. Complete your meal with a dairy product and a fruit.

Click here for additional healthy recipe ideas.

Studies have proven that adding a ‘Diabetes Specific Nutritional Supplement’ to other healthy lifestyle interventions, will help you manage your blood sugar levels5.

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